Who Am I?

My Journey

I started my spiritual journey at the age of 14 when I stumbled upon the idea of an energetic body. I found joy in discovering this new way of seeing the world, of understand ones self and I resonated with the teachings of chakra energy centers. This launched my exploration into all spiritual matters including new ideas of religion with a particular interest in Buddhism and later Paganism.

On my search to understand and heal myself Iโ€™ve studied;

  • Integrative Health Coaching
  • NLP
  • Diploma in Counselling & Psychotherapy
  • Art Therapy

Now – The Present

Iโ€™m currently going through a spiritual transition from Maiden Energy into the Energy of the Mother as I am currently pregnant, expecting a baby by the end of the year.

Iโ€™m developing and writing a series of fantasy books which will create a new way to look at our current world, its history and whatโ€™s possible. Based in true Spiritual knowledge and beliefs and introducing the beings that live in the unseen.

I enjoy creating art in all forms and believe in the connection of Creativity and the Divine. I draw, paint, craft, sew, engrave glass, burn wood and Iโ€™m sure much more. It all depends what inspires me.

I love to read though go through fluctuations; I can not read for weeks then finish 6 in a week before breaking for another few weeks, sometimes months. Iโ€™ve had trouble finding books that I feel drawn to.

