Aphantasia; What is it?

Aphantasia is the inability to see visual images in your minds eye. When the eyes are closed, thereโ€™s no imagery for the thoughts. This makes phrases like โ€˜picture this..โ€™ or โ€˜take a mental imageโ€™ difficult to grasp.

Aphantasia is not considered a medical or mental health condition; it is a classification of thought systems. Unless it has developed later in life through illness or injury; it can be caused by damage to the occipital lobe (a section of the brain located at the back of the head). There have also been links found to suggest it can be caused by trauma, and one simply forgets they ever could have visual imagery within their mind. In either case, there is no current treatment in the scientific community.

What is Aphantasia really like?

Do you remember when people would say, โ€˜donโ€™t think of a pink elephantโ€™ and trying not to think of it, only made it appear? Well, for people like me with Aphantasia, we donโ€™t see an elephant thatโ€™s pink. For me, I would just think the words pink elephant and have a vague back thought of what that might be. This is a conceptual way of thinking. I understand what an elephant looks like, I know the colour pink so I bring these elements together in a blurry possibility that is understood and known but has no image to go along side it.

Turns out, this isnโ€™t the most common way of thinking and only 3% of the population have this condition.

Different Imaginations – Aphantasia
(I score a 1)

Iโ€™ve always felt sad for being unable to picture the people I love, and Iโ€™ve feared losing what I can recall. Itโ€™s knowing without it being so. I know what they look like but most of what appears is the feeling of their presence.

When I learnt what Aphantasia was, and that most others didnโ€™t think the same, many of my past experiences made sense. Visualisation meditations have always been a challenge for me. They say โ€˜picture your future selfโ€™ or imagine a staircaseโ€™โ€ฆonly, I couldnโ€™t see it. I had a vague sense of how it could feel. I also understood the idea but struggled to fall into the experience though everyone else seemed to so easily. At the time, I thought there was something wrong with me. I was ashamed and kept it to myself.

We all think differently. I

Is it a disadvantage or advantage?

People with Aphantasia tend to lean on verbal scaffolding to compensate for the lack of visual cues. They have high spacial awareness while are low in recalling visual objects, tending to leave details out. Aphantasia may impact memory, including how one stores and accesses these memories. One may struggle with the visualisation aspect that is encouraged in manifestation and meditation techniques.

If mental images is said to contribute to a variety of psychological disorders, it could be surmised that those with Aphantasia are less likely to encounter these disorders as it lacks the triggering imagery that may haunt others.

Is it treatable? What is the cause?

Though there are currently no scientific treatments on curing Aphantasia, there are many reports from individuals who have had success in curing theirs. I found many forums and conversations on the topic on Reddit. In one personโ€™s recount of curing their Aphantasia, they hypothesised that images continued to be created in the subconscious.

Third Eye

I personally believe there is a correlation between Aphantasia and blockages in the third eye chakra. This energy centre is located on the forehead between and slightly above the brows and considered to be linked to the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a small pea-sized gland in the middle of the brain in charge of releasing melatonin and sleep cycles. Itโ€™s also been called โ€œthe seat of the soulโ€. When balanced, the third eye chakra supports perception, imagination, and connects with our inner knowing.


I see visually in my dreams and these sometimes include colour. I hypothesise that the pineal gland becomes relaxed and receptive during sleep, allowing us to connect with our subconscious minds where the images are created.

Curiosity has me wondering if the pineal gland is how our spirit body is able to travel the astral plane and where it is guided back to once sleep ends? This would explain the term โ€˜seat of the soulโ€™.

How does one use Aphantasia for visualisation?

I find telling the story, as if narrating, helps me sink into my imagination. For example, โ€˜and then the crystals will surround the treeโ€™ and I feel it happening, like shadows moving in the dark.

At some point I stop narrating while the story continues to roll.

We have many senses to experience the world through , and these may appear stronger in your mind than others. I find without images as a crux to my imagination, I focus on feelings. I notice the energy of the created people, what colours feel like. Another way to describe it is a sensed knowing.

Can this condition be overcome? Can one develop their imagination to include visuals?

As stated, many people have recorded curing their Aphantasia and teaching their mind how to see visuals though Doctors have no known cure.

I will personally be developing my visual imagination through focused and consistent practice, aiming to unlock my third eye to perceive all truths of this world and the next.

I will unlock all the powers of the mind, including the infinite possibilities held within the imagination 💭
Iโ€™ll get back to you with how to improve the imagination when Iโ€™ve unlocked the door 🚪


Iโ€™m not certain how my thinking differs from yours, how far along average visual to zero visual I personally am. The tests for Aphantasia are all self-evaluated, asking questions like โ€˜is it clear or blurry? โ€˜Is the colour bright or dull?โ€™ when compared to witnessing the physical reality. For me, the answer has always been darkness.

Iโ€™d love to hear how you think. What is your imagination like? Do you receive clear imagery in your mindโ€™s eye? Iโ€™d love to hear more of your thoughts on the topic, please comment below or e-mail me for a chat!

Blessed be 🙏

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
