• What Even IS Faith?

    What Even IS Faith?

    I have always greatly admired those that held strong faith. I wondered how, I wondered why and it greatly inspired my exploration into spirituality. So, what is faith? Faith is having complete trust and confidence in someone or something. It’s often thought of in the sense of religion; following the beliefs of a particular doctrine.…

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  • Contract to Self; A Daily Prayer

    Contract to Self; A Daily Prayer

    It’s time to put myself out there. It’s time to stop hiding; to stop playing small.I am strong and capable. I think positive and radiate love. I accept all parts of myself and integrate them into my being. I show up for myself, for others and for Goddess and God alike. I face all challenges…

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
