We’ve reached the midpoint of the year, a time when many find themselves veering off the path of their New Year’s resolutions or abandoning them altogether. It’s staggeringโ€”up to 94% of people aged 20 to 60 give up on their resolutions by February. If you’re still holding onto yours in any form beyond that, congratulationsโ€”you’re among the resilient 6%! At least, that’s what Forbes tells usโ€ฆ

Personally, my goal was to read 24 books this year. I’ve made a start on plenty, but I’ve barely finished one. It would be easy to write off the year and wait for another January to try again, but that’s another six months delaying my dreams. Pinning our hopes on a change in the calendar alone won’t suffice to spark and sustain real change.

The truth is, change begins within ourselves. It took me a while to grasp this fully, and I won’t sugarcoat itโ€”it takes time, practice, and unwavering persistence.

For a decade, I harboured the dream of running my own business. Ten years of studying, planning, learning, trying, failing, and picking myself up again. Now, I’ve reached a point where I persevere, even when doubt creeps in, even when it feels like no one notices or cares. I keep pushing forward because I want to make a difference, because I aim to provide for my loved ones, and because achieving this dream means more to me than staying in my comfort zone ever did.

From my journey, I’ve learned a few essential ingredients for real, lasting change:

Forgive Yourself

When we stumble on the promises we made to ourselves, it’s easy to get trapped in self-criticism and negative self-talk. Let go of the past, forgive yourself, and focus on the present momentโ€”the here and now where change can happen.


Instead of dwelling on what hasn’t been done, accept where you are today. Avoidance only magnifies obstacles. I once procrastinated for months on a critical task, imagining the worst. When I finally took action, it was far easier than I feared, and I felt an incredible sense of relief. Don’t let mountains grow out of molehills.
Wanting things to be different without acknowledging your current reality keeps you stuck. Embrace where you are now as a starting point for progress.


Set yourself up for success by planning concrete steps towards your goals. Break down big aspirations into smaller, manageable tasks. Planning not only clarifies the path ahead but also ignites inspiration and motivation.


Planning is meaningless without execution. Find your optimal working time, create accountability, and tailor your environment for productivity. Experiment with techniques until you find what works best for you. Action is the bridge between dreams and reality.


Creating a ritual can help to honour the time you spend on your goals, setting an intention for your time and begin a habitual routine that will assist you in starting each time. You can develop this anyway you wish, some things I suggest are;

  • Having a shower
  • Dressing up
  • Clean and prepare the space
  • Lighting a candle
  • Burning incense
  • Meditation
  • Journalling
  • Going for a walk
  • Making your favourite drink
  • Taking deep breaths while recalling your reason and inspiration


Your mindset shapes your outcomes. Believe in your ability to achieve what you set out to do. Cultivate positive beliefs and banish self-doubt. Your thoughts wield incredible powerโ€”use them wisely.


Stay connected to your why. Remind yourself why your goals matter. Create a vision board, seek out sources of inspiration, and nurture activities that fuel your passion and energy.

No matter your New Year’s resolution, your goal, or your dream, it’s never too late to begin. Start today. Start now.

What is your dream? How will you take action today? Share belowโ€”I’m here to inspire, encourage, and support you on your journey to realizing your dreams. You can do it. You are enough. Let’s learn and grow together.

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
