Connection is our natural state. Iโ€™m going to explore what that is and how to return to it, even when another isnโ€™t there. You’ll discover ways to connect, including specific strategies and techniques that I use myself to return to balance.

The highlights:

Humans require a state of connection for their own sense of well-being.

Discover Ways to Connect:
  • Observe
  • Breathe
  • Journal
  • Ground
  • Dance
  • Pray
  • Create
  • Listen
  • Walking
  • Reading

Take note of activities and experiences that help you to feel more connected, whether itโ€™s a hobby, a craft, or topic that expands your mind and self. Different things will work for different people.

Read the below for more details!

"Connection is why we're here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives."
Quote by Brenฤ— Brown in her book Daring Greatly
โ€œConnection is why weโ€™re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our live.โ€ โ€” Brene Brown, Daring Greatly

Developing one cell at a time within the womb all humans started life connected to their Mother. Conception itself is the connection of two human beings. Once born, a baby is commonly placed upon the Motherโ€™s chest in order to calm and regulate the babies heartbeat. (Article here)

Without the companionship of another, the mind, body and soul struggle to stay strong.

Connection is vital for our survival.

An iconic film that displays this desperate need for connection is Cast Away. A man deserted on an island alone, desperate for connection, paints a face upon a washed-up volleyball (known as Wilson) and it becomes his best friend.

Social Illusion

Growing up we search for love and acceptance from those around us, always searching to return to our natural state of connection, of wholeness. As our world becomes increasingly digital, we lose touch with the presence of others. We forget how to listen, our attention is always divided by a phone as we watch videos of people acting disingenuously, and we forget what it was we were searching for in the first place.

โ€œSocial media creates an illusion of closeness and false intimacy, leading to feelings of loneliness and confusion about real friendships.โ€ (Article found here)

When we are struggling to find someone to bridge the gap between our loneliness, we often distract our minds with mindless activities, distancing ourselves from our emotions and reality.

When we pay attention to the world, we are creating a relationship with the world. We can always find connection in Nature. The word biophilia is used to describe out inherent need to connect to Nature. (Article here)

Remember; our mind, as chaotic as it can be, works with the safety of the familiar. It will try to talk you out of new experiences due to its unknown nature which is perceived as dangerous. It still works to protect you.

So, how does one find connection?

Discover ways to connect below;
  • Observe the world closely.ย 
    Watch the leaves sway, or how it seems birds can see the air current and ride them. If youโ€™re in a busy city, look at the buildings; notice the shape of the windows, any art scrawled on the walls.
  • Breathe deeply.ย 
    Thereโ€™s many breathing techniques that suggest inhaling, exhaling and holding for a certain amount of time. The most important thing here is to feel the breath; the way your chest or stomach rises, the air as it enters and exits. Releasing your exhale as a sigh can help you let go of the day and stresses.
  • Journalling can connect you to yourself.ย 
    When thoughts become all consuming and how to deal with them becomes unclear, journalling can organize your mind to bring you calm. Put down every thought as it comes to you. Donโ€™t even worry about finishing the thought if another is already protruding. You can throw these pages out after or burn them (in safety of course) so all the thoughts turn to ash and drift away in the wind; this can be a useful visualization also.
  • Ground yourself in Nature.ย 
    As mentioned above, we have an inherent need to connect with Nature. Find solace at your favourite outdoor spot; a park, a beach, a forest or lake. Wherever it is, take time to feel the solid Earth beneath you. Take your shoes off and connect with the textures of the ground.
Also try;
  • Dance to connect with your physical self.ย 
    Dancing has many benefits; it releases endorphins, rids one of pent up energy (emotional and otherwise), and helps one let go of thoughts that are otherwise all-consuming.
  • Pray.ย 
    Take a second to centre yourself and begin speaking, internally or outwardly, to a higher power, a person you feel close with, or even your soul. This simple act can spark a remembering of connection that remains inside, even when it canโ€™t be seen.
  • Create.ย 
    I believe creativity connects to a higher power that we can attune to. It gently brings out depths hidden in the soul while calming the mind. Sometimes a blank page can be scary, but a blank page signifies endless possibilities, if only you would take the first step. No one else need to see it, you could even burn it (in a safe and controlled manner) in order to release what came up in the process. Try different materials and learn what you like and resonate with the most.
  • Listen.
    The act of intentionally listening can make a great impact, whether to sounds to yourself, another, Nature or your choice of music (remember, music can shift your mental state dramatically so find one that brings you back to your self. Here is my choice song on YouTube and Spotify).
  • Reading.
    Reading can bring you into another world. If your loneliness or disconnection is brief, consider this as a respite. Iโ€™ve found that too much reading can be an escape from reality, a distraction from reality but youโ€™ll know best if this is the case for you or not.
Continue to explore what works for you.

Try various activities, and hobbies from physical activity to craft. Reading can connect you to other worlds, walking to your body and the moment. Thereโ€™s so much that could be effective for you; be curious and take note of your feelings as you explore techniques and discover ways to connect.

The realization of the deep importance of connection was great; I began to realize I could connect in multiple ways; always finding it in the world around me as well as myself.

Let me know if any of these worked for you! Iโ€™d love to hear if you tried anything or what works for you.

Contact me here with any inquiries or points for discussion. I would love to hear from you.

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
