It’s time to put myself out there. It’s time to stop hiding; to stop playing small.
I am strong and capable. I think positive and radiate love. I accept all parts of myself and integrate them into my being.

I show up for myself, for others and for Goddess and God alike. I face all challenges with bravery and courage. I live by my values, in and out of business. I accept my reality for all that it is so that I may step forward into the light of change. I call on the supportive universal energies to guide and inspire wisdom.

I allow peace in my life, in my heart and in my soul.

I will show gratitude for all the blessings in my life. I will take time every morning to sit outside and spend time with myself. In this time, I will connect mindfully to my surroundings including Nature, from the skies to the seed. I will make a consistent and continuous effort to the betterment of my mind, spirit and body.

I will approach all tasks and events in my life, from this moment forth, with ease, faith and fun. Love and joy will reign supreme as I release that which does not serve me.

I will let go of ego with gentle understanding. I will be in service to others. I will forever be loyal and devoted to the love of my life, my twin flame, my soul mate. As Mary Magdalene remained to her life partner, Jesus Christ.

I accept the role sin has played and acknowledge the slothful nature of my past life.
Today, right here and now, I vow to battle all that stands in my way for I am a Goddess of Victory and there is no darkness that can claim me.

I go forth with the Spirit of Light, may my path be illuminated in your presence and radiate through all that I do. Bring light to the dark crevices of my mind; cleanse my body, mind, spirit and heart. Soothe me on days I lose sight, help me to see the way.

Speak, and I shall listen.
Ask, and it will be given.
Call, and I will answer.
Show, and I will see.

An oasis lies in the harshest desert. Calm remains in the eye of the most ravenous storm.

You are the storm. Find your eye. Find your center.

What once was weakness, becomes strength unencumbered.
Where doubt once lay, only Faith rests.
The doors once locked, welcome you through.

And so it is.
Blessed be.

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
