Cleaning is often seen as a chore and sometimes feels like more energy than we have at the time. But what if you changed the way you thought of it and channeled it into a spiritual practice?

Cleaning can be a spiritual practice depending on how you approach it. The act of cleaning can also be used to cleanse, this means removing any negative energy attached to the item/area and placing new, positive energy through intention and purpose.

Cleanliness is both valued and respected in multiple religions including Hinduโ€™s morning bathing/showering cleanse and Muslimโ€™s daily cleansing ritual prior to prayer known as Wudu. These cleansing rituals are seen as purifying oneself prior to appearing before their God.

โ€œCleanliness is next to Godlinessโ€ This was first quoted by English cleric John Wesley in 1778. I feel this is an expression of the purifying qualities that cleaning denotes, cleansing oneself from the physical to the soul.

Places of worship are kept clean and tidy as a display of their commitment to God while a home is aimed to be kept clean as it is sometimes known as a reflection of the mind or soul.

Try these 4 practice the next time you clean and notice how you feel as you do 💕

4 Ways to Turn Cleaning Into a Spiritual Practice

Develop mindfulness by focusing on the task at hand with purpose and awareness to each sensation.

Include intention as you clean as this adds a layer of connection to the process and experience, plus you lay the reminder for the next time you interact with the item.

Giving gratitude for each item (for example โ€˜I am grateful to have a home to keep clean and dishes to eat with my family)

Removing clutter can allow for greater focus and make space for what we want to call in

You could also fill your home with incense for added scent and cleansing or turn it into a dance party 💃

My favourite day to clean is Sunday, I start on Saturday and finish it all up on a Sunday. I love opening the windows to welcome the day and allow the breeze to refresh the house. Itโ€™s the perfect opportunity to remove the build up from the week prior while preparing for the week ahead.

Once all the cleaning is done, I take the opportunity to cleanse myself with the same renewing energy. A shower washes off the dust and dirt from cleaning while also removing old energies. Taking some extra time afterwards to moisturise, and handle skin care help prepare me for those slow Mondays.

How do you make cleaning easier and more enjoyable for you?

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Hi, I’m Alison and this blog is about following curiosity.

I enjoy writing to share and develop my knowledge while continuing to question matter regarding life, philosophy, spirituality, faith and mind.

All comments and questions are welcome.
